Enhancing Conference Page & Exploring Blazm in 'Next Tech Event' with Blazor & RavenDB | Part 17

In this episode, we focus on enhancing the aesthetics of our conference page with some assistance from our trusty AI friend, ChatGPT. We also introduce the new Blazm Extension, a handy Visual Studio Extension that significantly streamlines Blazor development. Check out the Blazm Extension here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EngstromJimmy.BlazmExtension
Access the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/CodingAfterWork/NextTechEvent
We're proudly sponsored by Progress Telerik, creators of remarkable Blazor UI Components. If you're into Blazor, you should definitely check them out: http://bit.ly/blazorui
This video was first broadcasted live on Twitch. To join us live next time, follow us at: https://www.twitch.tv/codingafterwork
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